
UI/UX + Web Design + HTML Email Design & Coding + Branding


I worked at CareerBuilder on and off for over a decade. I was the only graphic designer in the Marketing department when I started. I expanded the role to include UI/UX design, web design and HTML email design and coding.

Design System

CareerBuilder did a logo redesign and a new website design came next.

I helped create the design system that expanded the brand and worked with the developers to create logical components.

CareerBuilder Design System

Brand Story

I designed the brand guideline print document then I coded the website to accompany the print guide. This eliminated a lot of requests for the guide or versions of the logo, it’s now all available online.

CareerBuilder Brand Story
CareerBuilder Brand Story CareerBuilder Brand Story CareerBuilder Brand Story CareerBuilder Brand Story

Empower Conference

I designed and built this working with the Marketing team to develop a site that met their needs functionally, staying on brand and designed a clean site that’s easy to navigate for CareerBuilder’s customers.

CareerBuilder Empower Website

Trade Show Buttons

CareerBuilder attends the SHRM conference every year, it’s largest conference for Human Resource professionals. This year’s conference we wanted to have some fun so I teamed up with a very talented writer who came up with these great messages to design around.

Trade Show Buttons


CareerBuilder likes to extend their brand into different medium. We had the opportunity to partner with Bucketfeet for a custom CareerBuilder shoe design. It was a contest within the Marketing Creative team and my design was chosen as the winner.

CareerBuilder Shoes

Lincoln Park Live

CareerBuilder held a concert for clients at Lincoln Park Zoo following a human resources trade show in Chicago. My task was to create banners to advertise the concert to go with the logo I created. My idea was to incorporate musical instruments and accessories with the animals at the zoo. I wanted the banners to stand out and draw people’s eye to them. 

CareerBuilder Concert